Te Kupu o te Wiki – 2017/18

In celebration of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week), we are again bringing you Te Kupu o te Wiki … not just for a week: for a whole year!

Kia ora te reo Māori

The theme for this year is:

Kia Ora te reo Māori

The emphasis of Te Kupu o te Wiki this year is colloquial youth expressions (in English and Māori) and links to traditional whakatauki, for example:

Mauri mahi, mauri ora
"Do the mahi, get the treats" (through work, we prosper)

The full whakataukī (‘Māori proverb’) is: “Mauri mahi, mauri ora; mauri noho, mauri mate” – Industry begets prosperity; idleness begets poverty.

Here are some things to do:

  1. Register for Kupu o te Rā and you will also receive Te Kupu o te Wiki every Monday.
  2. During Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Hā o te Rā is running free Māori language pronunciation sessions, so learn more and sign up!
  3. Win cool headphones courtesy of Moana Rd – check out te Kupu o te Rā on Facebook for more info.
  4. Want to plan ahead or practise to impress your friends? See below for the first set of kupu together with the sound files (MP3s).

Ehara i te tīY.O.L.O. – you only live once
He kapu kawhe māu?Would you like a cup of coffee?
Āhea tātou e wehe atu?When are we leaving?
Kei te aha?Up to? (What are you up to / doing?)
Wehi nā!OMG! Oh my gosh!
Kei te haere koe ki hea?Where are you off to? Where are you going?
Mea rawa akenek minnit / next minute / very soon
Ka mutu pea!Mean! / Excellent!
E mea ana koe!You bet! / Certainly!
Wāwau ana!That's cray cray! / That's crazy!
Taiea ana!Skux! / You got swag!
Hangareka ana!What a crack up!
Pakaru ana taku hamuti!I was terrified! (I was s%!t-scared!)
ktk – kaha te katakatalol – laugh out loud
Kia ora rawa atu!Chur! / Thanks heaps!
Eke Tangaroa!Win! Made it!
E hika!What the! / Far out!
Me haere?That us? / Shall we go?
Ngere ana!Fail! / to fail in one's objective
Me he tē!Like a boss!
Ringa poto!Hold out! / Stingy guy!
Wheo kē!Buzzy!
Mā te aha i tēnā!Better than nothing!
He aha hoki!Whatever! Yeah right!
Aheiha!Yeah, hard! Truly! Exactly! Certainly!
e te taudarling / my love / babe
Ko tāua tahi tēnā!That's us! / Me too!
e mua kai kaiFOMO – fear of missing out
He uaua paraoa!What a beast!
mauri taurelax / chill / calm / without panic
Kāore i tua atu i a koe!There’s no one better than you!
te ara āwhiothe roundabout route, "finesse"
Pukukata ana!I'm weak with laughter!
Kia hora te marino, kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere te kārohirohi i mua i tō huarahiWell wishes, especially to a traveller
me ko Piwaiwakasnitch / tattletale
Noho mata hī taua!Stay alert / stay woke!
Hemo ana i te kata! (HAITK)Laugh my a&$ off! (LMAO)
Mō te whakameamea!What a diva! So dramatic!
Ka nui tēnā! (KNT)Too much information! (TMI)
He ika haehae kupengastirrer / troublemaker
He toka tū moanaa rock standing firm in the sea
Nōku te hēMy mistake / my bad / sorry
He kura te tangata!We are all precious!
Okea ururoatia!Keep fighting! Strive!
He tou tīwaiwaka!Ants in your pants!
ihu oneonehard worker
Mō te patu wairua!What a sad guy!
Ka hoki mai! / KHMBe right back / BRB / Will return
Mauri mahi, mauri ora"Do the mahi, get the treats" (through work, we prosper)
Kua puta a pito!I’m so full!
He waka eke noaWe are all in this together / We got this, fam!
Whāia te iti kahurangi!Strive for something of great value!

Some good resources:
