Ngā Tūpou

Ko te tūpou he kupu ka whakamahia kētia mō te ingoa o te tangata.
Anei ētahi tauira o ngā tūpou o te reo Pākehā: I, me, he, him, she, her, they, them, we te mea, te mea. 
He āhua rerekē te whakamahi i te tūpou i roto i te reo Maori. He rite tonu te kupu, ahakoa kei te kōrerotia te tāne, te wahine rānei (ia). Ka tohua hoki ko tēhea 'we' kei te kōrerotia; arā mehemea kei te kōrerotia te tangata e whakarongo ana, kāore rānei. Hei tauira; māua = we (tokorua ngā tāngata) hāunga te tangata e whakarongo ana tāua = we (tokorua ngā tāngata) whakaurua ai te tangata e whakarongo ana.

Tūpou takitahi

  Reo Māori Reo Pākehā Tauira

au, ahau


Kei te hiainu au.
I'm thirsty.




Kei te kāinga koe?
Are you at home?



 she, he

I titiro ia ki te kurī.
He looked at the dog.

Tūpou takitini me takirua



Takitini Reo Pākehā Tauira

Tautahi Tāpiti



 we, us

Kāore tāua e mokemoke.
We (the two of us) will not be lonely.

Mā tātou katoa tēnei mahi.
This work is for all of us.

Tautahi Tāporo  māua


I homai te koroua i te moni ki a māua.
The old man gave the money to us (two, but not to you the listener)

I haere mātou ki te whare pikitia.
We (three or more) are going to the picture theatre (but not you the listener).

Taurua  kōrua



Me haere atu kōrua.
You (two) had better go.

 Tēnā koutou.
Greetings to you (three or more).




they, them

E tākaro tēnehi ana rāua.
They (two) are playing tennis.

He tamariki noa iho rātou.
They (three or more) are only children.

Ngā tūpou me ētahi atu tauira.
