Aho tūhono

Ko te tikanga o te aho tūhono he whakaatu āhua, he whakarite i te kupu ingoa rānei. He tino tata ki ngā tino rerenga kōrero, nā te mea he kupu mahi, he kaupapa, te mea, te mea kei roto. I roto i te reo Pākehā, i te nuinga o te wā ka timata ki nga kupu ‘who, which, that, whose’, arā he tūpou tūhono.

Ko te kīanga, 'te whare i hangaia e Jack' he kīanga mō te whare i mōhiotia, nā ko te kupu ‘whare’, te ūpoko. Te kōrero i hangaia e Jack' ka whakarite ko tēhea te whare e kōrerotia ana, ā, ka whai i tōna ake tāhu 'Jack' me te kupu mahi ‘hanga’.

He rite te reo Pākehā me te reo Māori, arā ka noho ngā aho tūhono ki muri i te kupu ingoa e tohua ana. Engari, he tino rerekētanga kāore kau he tūpou tūhono i roto i te reo Māori. Mā te wāhanga nei e whakaahua ētahi o ngā tino tūmomo tūpou tūhono kei roto i te reo Māori.

Ko tēnei te whare i hangaia e Haki.
This is the house which was built by Jack.
(He rerenga kōrero hāngū te aho tūhono nei.)

Ko Tūrangawaewae te marae i tū ai te hui.
Tūrangawaewae is the marae where the hui took place.
(Mehemea he aho tūhono mō ngā wāhi, mō ngā wā hoki, ka whai te punga ‘ai’ i te kupu mahi, tirohia.)

Ko ‘Pōkarekare ana’ anake te waiata Māori e mōhio nei ia.

The only Māori song which s/he knows is ‘Pōkarekare ana’.

Ko Māui te tangata nāna i hī ake tēnei motu.
The person who fished up this island was Māui.
(Kei tenei tauira, ka whai te aho tūhono i te āhua o te rerenga kōrero kaimahi whakaputa.)